Is Your Brand Ready for the Holiday Season?

The holidays have a way of sneaking up on us and appearing out of nowhere, but in order to take advantage of the incredible opportunities that lie in increasing digital sales and reaching your target market, you need to begin preparing now! 

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and it ushers in the official retail holiday season. It has never been more critical to be where your customers are, and this year, it’s projected that holiday eCommerce sales will increase 11.3% to $206.88 billion! 

This is why your brand should be selling on retailers and marketplaces that target your audience’s market BEFORE the holidays arrive. 

Sales Projections

Project your sales and plan your digital strategy, creating projections will keep your team focused and on the same goals. There are many sales opportunities during the holiday season. Project each one and plan your digital sales strategically. The season begins in the first week of November and peaks during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. 


Be Prepared: Inventory Needs

Inventory planning is critical to hitting your sales goals. Many brands fail at this, we’ve seen Fortune 500 companies run out of inventory during the holiday season, costing hundreds of thousands in lost sales. And we’ve also seen small and mid size brands quadruple their sales and increase brand visibility and awareness with careful preparation. 


There are so many benefits to selling on online retailers and marketplaces including benefiting from their extensive ad spend. With retailers, you instantly reach millions of customers and receive automatic access to all the retailers’ customers without spending any additional money on marketing – naturally expanding your brand’s reach with no additional expenses. The more a consumer sees your brand, the stronger your brand strength becomes. 

Cymbio to the Rescue

You might be a little overwhelmed just thinking of everything that needs to be done for this year’s holiday season, so let us help take the pressure off! 

Cymbio helps brands sell on multiple retailers – increasing reach and brand awareness! We help brands scale by increasing digital sales channels through fully automated drop ship and marketplace operations – (without any overhead for your operations team, saving your team hundreds of hours monthly). Our unified platform enables seamless connectivity for brands and their retailer counterparts. And it is the only of its kind to automate ALL processes to ANY retailer, including the complete set-up, onboarding, and daily management of streamlined product data, imagery, mapping, inventory syncing, taxonomy, orders, billing, tracking, returns, reports, and more. 

We’ll have you up and selling before the holiday season begins, so you’re ready for those holiday eCommerce sales! 

Don't Miss Your Chance. Increase Digital Sales During the Holidays!


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