OUT with Spreadsheets! Cymbio’s All-In-One Management Platform is IN!

Order Fulfillment Takes Over for Spreadsheets

Spending every day going back and forth between retailer portals, emails, and marketplaces to locate and process orders can be nothing short of frustrating. Headache – out!  Multichannel – in! Multichannel brings additional orders, but every channel has its specific way of communicating orders, and that can be an issue. 

A Single Location for ALL Orders

What brands really need is a single system to manage all orders from all sales channels. Because your days are consumed with managing systems and processes for all retail connections, from one platform to another and it’s not just the orders that are being managed on large spreadsheets, its also the: imagery, product descriptions, returns, billing and inventory management – it all becomes so time-consuming! At the end of the day, operation teams are frantically working to meet retailer requirements (SLAs) and stay afloat (without any manual errors).  

Imagine if every process was on a single platform, like Cymbio? Think of all the daily tasks that could be eliminated, such as: 

  • Understanding unique systems and processes for each and every channel including: marketplaces, department stores and boutiques
  • Worrying about missing orders and manual errors  
  • Not meeting retailer SLAs
  • Managing multiple logins
  • Prioritizing orders without full visibility of your multi-channel business
  • All manual operations that could easily be automated (without large spreadsheets) including: imagery, product descriptions, returns, billing, and inventory management

All orders can be managed within our platform with one single log in, including fulfillment and any order from any sales channel including:

  • eCommerce/Website (Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Magento, QuickBooks/Tradegecko etc.)
  • Marketplaces 
  • Department Stores
  • Boutiques 

Say Goodbye to Spreadsheets

Using spreadsheets to manage orders is not only time-consuming but can be eliminated by using Cymbio. Cymbio’s process takes away the double data entry factor and error-prone data entries.

With Cymbio, you can finally get rid of that cumbersome spreadsheet method! All details are located in one place and automatically updated with new orders, inventory counts, and shipment details. One system. No double entries. No manual errors, and fully managed by your own personal Success Manager. 

Faster and More Accurate Shipping

When an order goes out, suppliers can finally take that sigh of relief. Shipments need to be processed quickly, accurately, and at the cheapest rate. With all orders in Cymbio, suppliers can prioritize order fulfillment to meet deadlines and manage inventory.

All product data, imagery, mapping, inventory syncing, taxonomy, orders, billing, tracking, returns, reports are all completely automated. Everything is right where it needs to be and integrated within Cymbio – no other data entry is required. Eliminate errors, and get your products where they need to go, without delay.

Ready to Ditch the Spreadsheet and Manage All Orders Within Cymbio?


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