Top 5 Marketing Strategies to Grow and Scale Your eCommerce Brand in 2022

2022 is here, and it’s time to make sure your growth and scaling strategies are ready for the new year. This year will see new technology and customer behavior trends, and evolving your marketing strategies to build your brand is crucial. We want you to continue to grow and scale in 2022, which is why we’ve put together our list of the Top 5 Marketing Strategies to help you grow your brand this year: 

Power up your social commerce

With the average customer spending at least 2 hours on social media apps daily, this is where you should be leveraging a big chunk of your time if you want to grow. 

Marketing your products on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest will help increase brand awareness and keep your products in potential customers’ minds while boosting traffic to your website. 

Plus, integrating your online store with these platforms allows customers to buy your products directly on the social media app without ever needing to leave. 

Social Commerce

Create and implement an SEO strategy

SEO isn’t going anywhere in the new year – in fact, it will be even more important for optimizing your content. With more and more consumers searching online for products, you need your solutions to be at the top of their search results and fresh in their minds. 

Optimizing your product listings and videos both on your DTC and your marketplace and retail channels is crucial for SEO. Make sure both are optimized for text, voice-based, and user searches and add transcripts and thumbnails to complete your video SEO. In order to increase your website’s Domain Authority (DA), don’t forget those crucial organic backlinks. 

Become the BEST in EXCELLENT customer service ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

We live in a world where instantaneously solved problems lead to customer retention. And that is not changing anytime soon this year. To keep your customers happy and attract potential new ones, your best bet will be to make your support and service as helpful as possible. 

If you invest in one new thing this year, let it be customer service. Excellent support can be the difference between losing customers or gaining new ones. Your reps are your brand ambassadors, and they should be well-versed in answering questions and queries, and providing the best shopping experience your clients have ever received. 

Provide innovative and personal shopping experiences

With innovative technologies such as AR, VR, and 360-degree videos, online shopping isn’t what it once was. Consumers have come to expect these types of cutting-edge experiences while shopping online. 

So if you’re not providing personalized, avant-garde online experiences, potential customers will find someone else that does. Be the brand that your customers keep coming back to, and you’ll create a loyal clientele base with ease.  

AR, VR in eCommerce

Expand your marketplace presence

The last key strategy to implement in 2022 is to have an omnichannel presence. It’s not enough to simply limit yourself to a single marketplace or website. You’ve got to sell on all the platforms where potential clients are on – if you don’t, your competitors will, and you do not want to miss this incredible opportunity for growth. 

If you’re already selling on multiple marketplaces and retailers, take a look at areas where you can improve. How do you currently manage the day-to-day with each channel? Have you implemented automation to scale more efficiently? Are you currently selling on all desired channels? Is your operations team overloaded with manual processes to keep retail and marketplace channels afloat?

Working with Cymbio eases all these pains and allows merchants to connect to one centralized platform in order to sell and automate all processes to all channels.  

Brand to many retail channels

Using one centralized platform to connect and sell via multiple retailers and marketplaces will increase efficiency by saving valuable time and resources. Cymbio fully automates the day-to-day of all marketplace and retail connections, so you can focus solely on building your brand – contributing to strong growth and scale for 2022.

Grow and Scale Your eCommerce Brand in 2022


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