How Going Green Can Boost eCommerce Sales and Customer Satisfaction

Looking to go sustainable?

For many businesses, “going green” has been perceived as a costly inconvenience. But transforming into an eco-friendly business has many more benefits than most realize. Aside from preserving the environment, cutting costs, and standing out from the crowd, going green brings about an important change in the industry that has been long overdue. 

And it’s not only other businesses that take notice – customers are placing a higher value on those putting forward the effort as an eco-friendly enterprise. For eCommerce companies, improving sustainability efforts will appeal to the 75% of customers who prefer to purchase from earth-friendly brands. Also, starting next year, the SEC may require public companies to publish standardized emissions and climate risk reports. Getting a head start on these initiatives will help you stay valued by climate-conscious shoppers. 

If you want to reduce costs and attract new customers, jumping on this opportunity to establish your business as eco-friendly and environmentally conscious is the way to go.

Gain a Competitive Advantage

  1. Attract New Generations of Consumers – It’s no secret that Gen X and Y customers are a new breed of consumers. And one way of attracting their loyalty is by going green. It not only gains the attention of these new buyers, but it also gives you a competitive advantage over other companies refusing to make the leap. Becoming a green advocate will enhance your reputation as a business that matters.
  2. Making an Environmental Impact – From polluted oceans to CO2 emissions, the world is quickly coming face-to-face with an environmental crisis. Companies that choose to take a leading activist role in this endeavor set a positive example for others to follow.
  3. Sustainable Business – Gaining loyalty among the ‘green’ community is a huge step in creating a sustainable and lasting business. Many green advocates are turning to services that are devoted to making a change over those that aren’t.


Here are 3 steps you can take to improve the climate consciousness of your brand: 

  1. Aim for carbon neutrality through crafting a research-based evaluation of your carbon footprint and identify methods to cut down on carbon emissions. 
    • Before initiating your program, assess and calculate the emissions intensity of both direct and indirect emissions sources, such as power consumption, transportation, and waste. 
    • Use this information to create an emissions baseline to effectively track emissions over time. 
  2. Next, company leaders should educate themselves on the importance of sustainability, and subsequently, communicate this to the brand’s stakeholders and network. Also, focus on creating a company culture that values sustainability practices. 
  3. Ensure you are tracking your progress and informing the organization and consumers of further changes made. Additionally, maintain steady communication with your network on social media, newsletters and company forums. 

Going green is a step that all businesses will eventually have to take (to some degree), so making it sooner than later has benefits that your business will begin reaping now. If you are a company looking to go green, we would be honored to help you scale and grow while maintaining a commitment to care for the environment. 

See What Cymbio Can Do For Your Brand


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